Wednesday, January 6, 2010

LeBron James: The Chasedown Video

There is a new term on the NBA and some NBA players fear it during a fastbreak. The new term is The Chasedown by Lebron James. You stole the ball from a Cavaliers player, you run down the court and just when you thought you are going to make an easy two, guess what? NOT! Someone is stalking you. Lebron James has chased you down the court and blocked your layup or dunk on the fastbreak.

Yes, Lebron James is not the first person who did "The Chasedown". In fact, Michael Jordan has had major chasedowns blocks on John Stockton (I can't find the video) and another chasedown block on Ron Mercer (and he did this when he was with the Washington Wizards, he was 40 years old).

Lebron James is just doing The Chasedown ever so often that I am personally annointing him The Chasedown King. Here is a video compilation of The Chasedown by Lebron James.

LeBron James: The Chasedown Video

Here is a bonus Chasedown by Lebron James on Jason Richardson. Jason Richardson has been a victim of the Lebron James' Chasedown two or three times. Here is a video Jason Richardson attempting a 360 dunk on a fastbreak. Guess what? Jason Richardson tasted yet another Chasedown by Lebron James. Check out Lebron James Chasedown block on Jason Richardson.


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